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Skillfully Navigating the River of Experience: A Visual Metaphor

Updated: Feb 6

Imagine yourself peacefully floating on a calm river of experiences.

The water represents the flow of life, carrying you through different moments.
Up ahead, you notice a large rock emerging from the depths.
This rock symbolizes a challenge, a restriction, or an intense emotion rising to the surface. 
As you approach the rock, you feel the water pushing you against it.

This is the moment where many people get caught up, identifying with the challenge, feeling the force of the problem pushing against them. But here's where your power lies. 

Instead of resisting the flow or being carried away by the force, envision yourself as a skillful navigator of this river. You have the ability to move dynamically in response to obstacles. You can gracefully swim around the rock, feeling the water shift and adjust as you do. 

Now, go further. Imagine yourself exploring the rock, seeing it from all angles. What if you decide to crawl around to the front, facing the challenge head-on? What if you leap on top of the rock, gaining a new perspective? Perhaps you even decide to swim to the shore and observe the challenge from a distance. 

As you observe, notice how the problem looks different from each vantage point. From the front, it might seem less imposing. On top, you gain a broader view. From the shore, it might appear smaller and less overwhelming. 

You're not just passivily floating on the river; you're an active participant, skillfully navigating the waters. You can choose how you interact with the rocks in your path, understanding that your perspective and approach can profoundly influence how challenges impact you. 

So, the next time you encounter a metaphorical rock in the river of your experiences, remember the power to move, shift, and observe from different perspectives. Becoming an observer of your experiences empowers you to choose how to engage with life's challenges.

Don't want to do this alone?
Explore my services to see how I can assist you in navigating your river.

Love Kristy Tiedemann

Flow of Life: The river represents life’s journey, carrying you through various experiences.

Challenges: Rocks symbolize obstacles or intense emotions that arise.

Navigating Obstacles: We can learn how to skillfully navigate our challenges, rather than being overwhelmed by them.

Perspectives: Observing challenges from different angles can change our perception and reduce their impact.

SoulSafe: offers breathwork and somatic coaching that aims to support clients release emotional , mental,and physical toxins,such as stress,anxiety,anger, fear and pain.

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